Angora Love (1929)

Directed by: Lewis R. Foster

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Stan (Laurel) and Oliver (Hardy) try to care for an escaped goat named Penelope in their apartment without letting their landlord know.

Purr Blur: At the beginning of the short, Penelope is tied up outside a pet store. In the window of the pet store there appears to be a cat. After Penelope gets loose and runs away, the store owner Mr. Caribeau (Charley Young) looks for the goat. The cat remains in the window with what appears to be a monkey.

Angora Love - cat in pet shop window behind Mr. Caribeau Charley Young
Angora Love - cat in pet shop window behind Mr. Caribeau Charley Young
Angora Love - cat in pet shop window behind Mr. Caribeau Charley Young

Final Mewsings: Who would take a pet monkey or goat over a cat??

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