Animal Sanctuary (1956)

British Pathé

Synopsis: Newsreel footage of cats, dogs and horses at the Ferne Animal Sanctuary in Dorset, England

Reality Cats: This newsreel includes wonderful footage of some of the 84 cats fed and cared for at the sanctuary.

Animal Sanctuary - two black cats at Ferne Animal Sanctuary
Animal Sanctuary - numerous cats coming to eat at Ferne Animal Sanctuary
Animal Sanctuary - numerous cats being fed at Ferne Animal Sanctuary

The sanctuary was founded in 1939 by the late Duchess of Hamilton during World War II as a temporary home for the pets of servicemen and bomb victims.

Animal Sanctuary - numerous cats being fed at Ferne Animal Sanctuary
Animal Sanctuary - tabby and white cat being fed at Ferne Animal Sanctuary

It later evolved into safe haven for misfits of the animal world, including strays, injured and lame animals.

Animal Sanctuary - longhair calico cat being fed at Ferne Animal Sanctuary

Superintedent Mollie Atherton checks on the health and well being of the cats during meal time.

Animal Sanctuary - Mollie Atherton and assistant checking on cats at Ferne Animal Sanctuary
Animal Sanctuary - Mollie Atherton and assistant checking on black cat at Ferne Animal Sanctuary

The Ferne Animal Sanctuary is still active to this day, now located in Somerset.

Animal Sanctuary - tabby and white cat being fed at Ferne Animal Sanctuary

Final Mewsings: Bless those who look out for animals who can’t look out for themselves.

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