Bad Girls – “Do or Die”

by Mark Murton

Original Air Date: April 24, 2001

Directed by: Jo Johnson

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode!

Synopsis: In this episode of the UK women’s prison drama, Julie Saunders (Victoria Alcock) and Julie Johnston (Kika Mirylees) discover a stray cat. Di shows Josh the ropes, and Helen moves Podger (Wendi Peters) to G Wing, much to the annoyance of everyone else.

Cat Burglars (Scene Stealers): Taking out the trash one morning, inmates “The Two Julies” find the stray black cat by the bins.

Bad Girls - Do or Die - black cat Tinker behind garbage bags
Bad Girls - Do or Die - black cat Tinker being discovered behind garbage bags by two Julies Kika Mirylees and Victoria Alcock animated gif

They smuggle him back to their cell intent on keeping him, and duly christen him “Tinker”.

Bad Girls - Do or Die - black cat Tinker on bunk bed with Julie Kika Mirylees

But they quickly realise they’re going to have a problem when “what goes in is gonna come out”.

Bad Girls - Do or Die - black cat Tinker held by two Julies Kika Mirylees and Victoria Alcock

Their solution is to offer the cat “fertilizer” to Nikki (Mandana Jones) for her prison garden and in return Nikki offers to let them keep Tinker in her shed.

Bad Girls - Do or Die - black cat Tinker in shed with two Julies Kika Mirylees and Victoria Alcock

The plan works well (other than Nikki getting fleas!) until “Podger” Pam Jolly is transferred to their wing and during one of her psychotic episodes she attacks the shed the cat is in, screaming and repeatedly violently kicking the door.

Bad Girls - Do or Die - black cat Tinker

Tinker subsequently goes missing and the Julies are convinced Pam has scared him off, or worse, but a few days later Nikki summons them to the shed where she reveals a smiling Pam playing with “Tinker” . . .

Bad Girls - Do or Die - black cat Tinker and kittens with Podger Pam Jolly Wendi Peters

. . . along with her 3 kittens in a basket (causing Nikki to suggest they should maybe change the cat’s name to “Tinkerbell”).

Bad Girls - Do or Die - tabby kittens and black kitten in basket
Bad Girls - Do or Die - tabby kittens and black kitten in basket
Bad Girls - Do or Die - tabby kittens and black kitten in basket
Bad Girls - Do or Die - black cat Tinker being discovered by two Julies Kika Mirylees and Victoria Alcock with Podger Pam Jolly Wendi Peters and kittens animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats can turn bad girls good.

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