Be My Cat: A Film For Anne (2015)

by Mark Murton

Directed by: Adrian Țofei

This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning!

Synopsis: Adrian (Adrian Țofei), an aspiring Romanian film-maker obsessed with Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway, goes to shocking extremes to convince her to come to Romania and star alongside him in his forthcoming film.

Purr Blur: Adrian uses three local actresses to shoot demo scenes to send to Anne, and while directing a scene featuring the first of these, Sonya (Sonia Teodoriu), a tortoiseshell cat can be seen over her left shoulder as it walks along a step outside a door and out of shot.

Be My Cat: A Film for Anne - tortoiseshell cat walking behind Sonya Sonia Teodoriu
Be My Cat: A Film for Anne - tortoiseshell cat walking behind Sonya Sonia Teodoriu animated gif

Kitty Carnage Warning! Later, Adrian is walking along the side of a road, addressing himself to the camera as he talks about how the character in his film seeks to turn the actress character into a surrogate of his cat that he accidentally killed, and that this is based on how he accidentally killed his own cat as a child. Suddenly he stops and exclaims, “Oh my God, a dead cat!”. The camera then points down to the body of a cat and moves in for a close shot.

Final Mewsings: A film with CAT in the title really should deliver more than a dead kitty and an accidental walk-on!

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