Billie Jean (1983)

Music Artist: Michael Jackson

Directed by: Steve Barron

Synopsis: A music video for Michael Jackson’s hit song finds Michael hounded by a paparazzi.

Purr Blur: At the beginning of the video a white Persian cat is running behind a trash can in a black and white shot.

Billie Jean - Michael Jackson - black and white shot of Persian cat running behind trash can

The shot is later repeated in a different take, this time in color, followed by a shot of a tiger cub emerging on the other side of the can.

Billie Jean - Michael Jackson - white Persian cat running behind trash can
Billie Jean - Michael Jackson - white Persian cat running behind trash can and coming out as a tiger cub on the other side animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats would turn into tigers if they could.

Many thanks to Ben Saddington for reminding us about the cat in this video.

Relevant Links:

Amazon logo
Official Website Link

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