Brighton Rock (1948)

Directed by: John Boulting

Synopsis: A small-town hood named Pinkie Brown (Richard Attenborough) will do anything to cover up his murder of journalist Fred Hale (Alan Wheatley), including marrying a woman who is close to finding out the truth about him.

Purr Blur: Early in the film Hale is running away from members of Pinkie’s gang. As he crosses a street, a large light-colored cat is crossing nearby.

Brighton Rock - large light colored cat crossing street behind Fred Hale Alan Wheatley
Brighton Rock - large light colored cat crossing street behind Fred Hale Alan Wheatley
Brighton Rock - large light colored cat crossing street behind Fred Hale Alan Wheatley

Final Mewsings: So why did the cat cross the road?

Many thanks to Ted Davis for letting us know about the cat in this film!

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