Castle of Blood (1964)

by Mark Murton

Original Italian Title: Danza Macabre

Directed by: Antonio Margheriti

Synopsis: After an encounter with Edgar Allen Poe in a London pub, journalist Alan Foster (Georges Rivière) takes a bet that he can spend the night in the haunted castle owned by Poe’s friend Lord Blackwood.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): Arriving at the castle, Foster enters the grounds and has to make his way through a graveyard to get to the castle. Here he encounters a small black kitten (first seen in extreme close-up) roaming amongst the graves.

Castle of Blood - extreme close up of eyes of black kitten
Castle of Blood - black kitten standing on grave
Castle of Blood - black kitten standing near grave
Castle of Blood - Alan Foster Georges Rivière spotting black kitten standing among graves animated gif

Having made his way through the graveyard Foster climbs the steps towards the castle entrance, but first stops to investigate a stables. The kitten appears again amongst the straw on the floor.

Castle of Blood - black kitten playing in straw

Amused, Foster gently prods it with his cane.

Castle of Blood - black kitten being poked by cane
Castle of Blood - Alan Foster Georges Rivière poking at black kitten with cane animated gif

Foster continues to look around until his attention is again drawn to the cat which has it’s claw caught in a shawl that lies amongst the straw. The cat frees itself and, gathering up the shawl, Foster enters the castle.

Castle of Blood - black kitten caught in shawl on straw
Castle of Blood - Alan Foster Georges Rivière spotting black kitten with claw caught in shawl animated gif

Final Mewsings: Include a black cat in a film about a haunted castle? It would be rude not to!

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