A black cat represents the nighttime in this silent expressionistic telling of Edgar Allan Poe’s short story reviewed by Linda Kay.
The Telltale Heart (1928)

A black cat represents the nighttime in this silent expressionistic telling of Edgar Allan Poe’s short story reviewed by Linda Kay.
Purr Blur! A black cat is part of the opening establishing shots of London in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
A black cat witnesses the incompetence of a couple of bumbling smugglers in this Russian comedy reviewed by Linda Kay.
Purr Blur! A black cat shows no interest in chasing after multiple rats on a ship in this inventive film reviewed by Ted Davis.
Part One of our Special Feature on the history of Boxing Cats covers the battle between three British Music Hall cat acts, their rivalry and the heartbreaking tragedy that befell one of these acts. By Linda Kay.
A black cat tries to help a man remember why he tied knots in his handkerchief in this entry to the annual Christmas reminders to post early in the UK.
An adorable kitten proves to an elderly man that black cats do not bring bad luck in this Christmas ad for the Dutch State Lottery reviewed by Linda Kay.
Some rescued kittens play a pivotal part in this British film reviewed by Ted Davis and Linda Kay.
Several cats are seen throughout this British comedy film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A couple of cats make brief appearances, but one does not fare as well as the other (Kitty Carnage Warning!) in this horror film reviewed by Mark Murton.