English Title: 10 to 11 Directed by: Pelin Esmer Synopsis: An elderly hoarder named Mithat (Esmer) tries to preserve his “collection” with the help of his building’s concierge Ali (Nejat Isler). Purr Blur: Ali is walking down a street in one scene where a black cat is just barely visible by a building. At the […]
Category Archives: Description
84 Charing Cross Road (1987)
Directed by: David Jones Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Aspiring New York author Helene Hanff (Anne Bancroft) strikes up a friendship by mail with Frank Doel (Anthony Hopkins), a British bookseller. Kitty Cameo: In appreciate for the book shop’s efforts to find British tomes for […]
Alfred Hitchcock Presents – “Craig’s Will”
Original Air Date: March 6, 1960 Starring: Orangey Directed by: Gene Reynolds Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode! Synopsis: A man named Thomas Craig (Dick Van Dyke) and his floozy girlfriend Judy (Stella Stevens) are stunned when Craig’s father leaves all of his money to his dog Casper […]
Grace (1994)
Music Artist: Jeff Buckley Synopsis: The music video for the Jeff Buckley song from the album of the same name. Purr Blur: Throughout the video a tabby and white cat is seen in very quick shots. Final Mewsings: Even the briefest cat is better than no cat at all! Many thanks to La Ronronthèque for […]
Miau (1955)
Starring: Tigerli, Blüesli and kittens Directed by: Alfred Roth Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Home movie footage shows two tabby cats with their black kittens. Reality Cats: This short film begins with a tabby cat in a yard. The cat impressively climbs a thin wooden […]
Games (1967)
Directed by: Curtis Harrington Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Eccentric couple Paul and Jennifer Montgomery (James Caan and Katharine Ross) get pulled into intrigue and murder by a mysterious saleswoman named Lisa (Simone Signoret). Featured Feline: An older neighbor named Miss Beattie (Estelle Winwood) is […]
Démanty noci (1964)
English Title: Diamonds of the Night Directed by: Jan Nemec Synopsis: A dream-like film in which two Jewish boys (Ladislav Jánsky and Antonín Kumbera) escape from their World War II German captors into the woods. Kitty Cameos: Throughout the film, flashbacks of the boys’ lives are shown as memories or dreams, or perhaps even fantasies. […]
Angora Love (1929)
Directed by: Lewis R. Foster Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Stan (Laurel) and Oliver (Hardy) try to care for an escaped goat named Penelope in their apartment without letting their landlord know. Purr Blur: At the beginning of the short, Penelope is tied up outside […]
Sworn Enemy (1936)
Directed by: Edwin L. Marin Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Hank Sherman (Robert Young) is a law student who is determined to bring down a group of racketeers. Cat Burglars (Scene Stealers): After landing a job as a chauffer, Hank falls for the boss’s secretary […]
Green Acres – “It’s Human to Be Humane”
Original Air Date: February 1, 1967 Directed by: Richard L. Bare Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode! Synopsis: Unable to deal with his wife’s boredom, Oliver (Eddie Albert) arranges for Lisa (Eva Gabor) to become the head of a humane society which leads to even more trouble. Kitty […]