Pluto’s Sweater (1949)

Directed by: Charles Nichols

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Minnie Mouse knits a sweater for Pluto which causes him humiliation, especially at the paws of Figaro the kitten.

Cartoon Cat: At the beginning of the short, Pluto and Figaro are watching Minnie knit, trying to figure out what she is making.

Pluto's Sweater - Pluto dog and Figaro kitten watching Minnie Mouse knitting

When she finished the pink sweater, Pluto imagines her in it and laughs. But Figaro knows the sweater is for Pluto.

Pluto's Sweater - Figaro kitten pointing at Pluto dog

Pluto tries to hide under the couch but Figaro points him out to Minnie.

Pluto's Sweater - Pluto dog hiding under couch with Figaro kitten hissing at him
Pluto's Sweater - Pluto dog hiding under couch with Figaro kitten fighting and hissing at him animated gif
Pluto's Sweater - Figaro kitten pointing at Pluto dog under couch

After much struggling, Minnie manages to get the sweater on Pluto. Figaro laughs hysterically and pulls Pluto’s tail out for him.

Pluto's Sweater - Figaro kitten laughing
Pluto's Sweater - Figaro kitten laughing animated gif
Pluto's Sweater - Figaro kitten pulling Pluto dog's tail out of sweater

Unfortunately Minnie forces poor Pluto outside for further humiliation. Meanwhile, Minnie sits inside reading a scary book about a monster while Figaro relaxes.

Pluto's Sweater - Minnie Mouse reading with Figaro kitten beside her

Pluto comes in with the now-shrunken sweater on his head, scaring Figaro and Minnie.

Pluto's Sweater - Pluto dog with shrunken sweater on head scaring Figaro kitten and Minnie Mouse

Minnie is heartbroken that the sweater has shrunk but Figaro finds it hilarious.

Pluto's Sweater - Figaro kitten laughing

The tables are turned, however, when Pluto points out that the sweater is now the perfect size for Figaro. It is now his turn to be humiliated.

Pluto's Sweater - Figaro kitten angry in pink sweater
Pluto's Sweater - Figaro kitten angry in pink sweater
Pluto's Sweater - Figaro kitten yowling in pink sweater
Pluto's Sweater - Figaro kitten angry and struggling in pink sweater animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t suffer humiliation well.

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