A ginger and white tabby cat named Oscar changes appearance but apparently survives this sexploitation film reviewed by Linda Kay.
The Psycho Lover (1970)

A ginger and white tabby cat named Oscar changes appearance but apparently survives this sexploitation film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A brown tabby cat makes an appearance just long enough to justify some bad pussy jokes in this sex comedy reviewed by Linda Kay.
Part One of our Special Feature on the history of Boxing Cats covers the battle between three British Music Hall cat acts, their rivalry and the heartbreaking tragedy that befell one of these acts. By Linda Kay.
Bob the famous Street Cat helps his owner learn the importance of friends in the holiday season in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A brown tabby kitten named Nicky brings joy to a poor family at Christmas in this holiday TV movie reviewed by Mark Murton.
A tabby kitten appears to get drunk on a broken package of booze in this newsreel footage from British Paramount News reviewed by Linda Kay.
The Wayne family own a ginger tabby cat named Selina in this animated Christmas comic book feature reviewed by Linda Kay.
Purr Blurs! Two cats (one real and one questionable) have extremely brief moments in this classic Hallmark holiday film reviewed by Mark Murton.
A gray tabby kitten named Toto and his ginger tabby mother Debbie make notable appearances in this Christmas themed episode reviewed by Mark Murton,
A tabby kitten named Tabitha becomes the focus of a murder investigation by three elderly women in this comedic mystery story reviewed by Mark Murton.