A brown, longhair tabby cat loves to watch television with the family in this true story about jockey Bob Champion reviewed by Linda Kay.
Champions (1984)

A brown, longhair tabby cat loves to watch television with the family in this true story about jockey Bob Champion reviewed by Linda Kay.
A ginger tabby cat hangs around the office of Congressional member Charlie Wilson in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.
Purr Blur! A black cat is startled by an excited inventor in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
A longhair black cat named Buster is the loved pet owned by a reckless explorer in this film reviewed by Ted Davis.
A black cat surveys a scene of utter devastation in a church after a brutal attack in this epic film reviewed by Linda Kay.
Several cats belong to a dance master in this biopic reviewed by Mark Murton.
Purr Blur! An orange and white cat has an extremely brief appearance in this made for TV movie.
Several cats, including cat actor Orangey, make brief appearance in this biopic reviewed by Ted Davis.
A tuxedo cat becomes part of the renovation of a military base in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
Directed by: Michael Showalter Synopsis: This biopic chronicles the rise and fall of Tammy Faye (Jessica Chastain) and Jim Bakker (Andrew Garfield), televangelists who built an enormous worldwide empire only to have it all come crashing down. Kitty Cameo: The couple film an apology to their followers from outside their home. Tammy is holding a […]