A black cat (played by at least two different cat actors) has some lovely insert shots in this segment reviewed by Ted Davis.
Night Gallery – “Die Now, Pay Later”

A black cat (played by at least two different cat actors) has some lovely insert shots in this segment reviewed by Ted Davis.
A boy believes his adorable black kitten Lucy is possessed in this clever animated short film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A black cat’s eyes glow brightly right before the murder of a culinary genius in this comedic mystery film reviewed by Ted Davis.
Two members of the team are threatened by vicious black panthers, represented by two gorgeous black cats, in this film reviewed by Ted Davis.
A black cat shows up the minute Harry’s lucky rabbit’s foot goes missing in this episode reviewed by Linda Kay.
A black cat named . . . what else? . . Black, is the pet of a rebellious goth girl in this unusual love story reviewed by Linda Kay.
A black cat (played by a feline actor named Felix) seems to spread bad luck amongst partygoers on a houseboat in this silent mystery comedy reviewed by Ted Davis and Linda Kay.
A black cat is included in the chaos that makes up this zany Hal Roach comedy feature reviewed by Linda Kay.
An angry black cat scare Lou Costello out of his wits in this horror comedy hybrid reviewed by Linda Kay.
An extremely tolerant black cat named Hecate is the companion of supervillainess Catwoman in this movie version of the popular television series reviewed by Ted Davis and Linda Kay.