Jean de Florette (1986)

by Linda Kay

Directed by: Claude Berri

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: The father and son of the family Soubeyran, Cesar ‘Papet’ (Yves Montand) and Ugolin (Daniel Auteuil), have their eye on the neighboring farm where they know a natural spring exists. They are surprised when an heir in the form of a city-dwelling hunchback named Jean Cadoret (Gérard Depardieu), his wife Aimee (Elisabeth Depardieu) and their daughter Manon (Ernestine Mazurowna) move into the farm with unorthodox ideas to make a success of the neglected place. They are even further surprised at Jean’s initial success, but their greed gets the better of them leading to catastrophe for the unsuspecting family.

Kitty Cameo: As the Cadoret family is moving in to their new place, Manon cuddles a tiny white kitten as she watches Ugolin help move a large piece of furniture from a cart.

Jean de Florette - Manon Ernestine Mazurowna holding small white kitten class=
Jean de lorette - Manon Ernestine Mazurowna holding small white kitten

The cat is seen only twice more inside the darkened farm house: once as Manon leaves the table after a family conference (she is holding the kitten out of sight on her lap throughout the scene and you only catch a glimpse as she gets up and moves away) . . .

Jean de Florette - Manon Ernestine Mazurowna carrying small white cat from table in dark

. . . and later when Jean comes downstairs one morning. He stops to pet the kitty, who is growling and clearly aggravated for some reason. When Jean goes to open the door to go outside he finds out why.

Jean de Florette - small white cat sitting on table in dark
Jean de Florette - Jean Cadoret Gérard Depardieu petting small white cat sitting on table in dark

Final Mewsings: Even white cats are difficult to see in the dark.

Many thanks to Nick Wale for letting us know about the cat in this film.

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