Rhubarb (also known as Orangey) has a notable role with accompanying publicity in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.
Category Archives: Film Noir
I Walk Alone (1947)
Three cats are hanging out in an alley when three goons deposit an unconscious Burt Lancaster in this film noir reviewed by Linda Kay.
Short Cut to Hell (1957)
A couple of stray cats win the heart of a ruthless assassin in this remake of This Gun for Hire, reviewed by Linda Kay.
The Whistler (1944)
A tuxedo cat is rudely interrupted while scrounging atop a garbage can in this mystery thriller reviewed by Ted Davis.
The Last Man to Hang (1956)
A lovely Siamese cat sits beside his or her owner for a brief scene in this trial drama reviewed by Linda Kay.
Johnny Apollo (1940)
Purr Blur! A black cat passes Tyrone Power when coming down the stairs in this film reviewed by Ted Davis.
Cécile est morte! (1944)
A bicolor tabby cat named Medor is lovingly attended to by a snoopy concierge in this French Maigret mystery reviewed by Ted Davis.
The Shop at Sly Corner (1947)
A tiny black kitten steals several scenes in this crime drama reviewed by Mark Murton and Linda Kay.
Hunted (1952)
A tabby and white cat hears a burglar and immediately sees a chance to get some food in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.
Man Afraid (1957)
A tabby cat beats a hasty retreat at the approach of a crazed killer in an opening scene of this film reviewed by Ted Davis.