Johnny Apollo (1940)

by Ted Davis

Directed by: Henry Hathaway

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: When his millionaire dad Robert Cain Sr. (Edward Arnold) is imprisoned for embezzlement, previously privileged Bob (Tyrone Power) falls into a life of crime under the alias of Johnny Apollo, and also falls into the loving arms of leggy moll Lucky Dubarry (Dorothy Lamour), which could be injurious to his well being, considering her former ties with dangerously quirky gangster boss Mickey Dwyer (Lloyd Nolan).

Purr Blur: As Johnny enters the ground floor of a seedy office building to hire slippery lawyer Emmett T. Brennan (Charlie Grapewin), a meowing black kitty skips down the stairs to cross paths with him.

Johnny Apollo - Tyrone Power at foot of stairs with black cat walking by
Johnny Apollo - Tyrone Power at foot of stairs with black cat walking by animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats also have the right to retain a lawyer.

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