A longhair tabby cat rests comfortably next to their owner who is knitting rabbit fur in this British Pathe short reviewed by Linda Kay.
Angora Rabbits (1953)

A longhair tabby cat rests comfortably next to their owner who is knitting rabbit fur in this British Pathe short reviewed by Linda Kay.
A school for washing kittens looks more like a school for how NOT to wash kittens in this British Pathe newsreel segment reviewed by Linda Kay.
A black cat seems determined to do in a four legged duck in this Ripley’s series episode reviewed by Linda Kay.
Photographer Lee Miller returns home from overseas assignment to be greeted by her husband and a new kitten in this British Pathe newsreel segment reviewed by Linda Kay.
A behind the scenes look at the animal quarantine system of Great Britain set up to keep rabies and other diseases away is examined in this short reviewed by Linda Kay.
A tabby kitten appears to get drunk on a broken package of booze in this newsreel footage from British Paramount News reviewed by Linda Kay.
A cat shares a small snack with a pooch on a porch in this British Pathe newsreel segment.
Newsreel footage used in this episode about the creation of the Grand Coulee Dam shows how a cat helped out with a tricky problem. But there is more to this story as explained by reviewer Linda Kay.
A black cat shares some affection with a wounded officer in this British Pathe newsreel segment reviewed by Linda Kay.
A tuxedo cat sabotages the British war effort by breaking empty milk bottles in the street in this wartime short public service film.