British Pathé Synopsis: Newsreel footage shows a woman who owns cats, dogs, a rat, a tortoise and a rabbit as pets. Reality Cats: In the opening scene a woman is holding three cats on her lap; a black one and two tuxedos, as well as a dog. The rabbit, rat and tortoise are all sitting […]
Category Archives: Newsreel
Mobile Pet Clinic (1957)
British Pathé Synopsis: Newsreel footage shows a Blue Cross mobile pet clinic making a stop in Victoria, London. Reality Cats: Owners are standing in line with their pets to visit the clinic. Two women are holding two different cats, a black and a tuxedo. Inside the clinic waiting room these same women are sitting with […]
Personality – Meet Doris Zinkeisen (1946)
British Pathé Synopsis: Newsreel footage shows artist Doris Zinkeisen working at home with her Siamese cat nearby. Reality Cat: The segment begins with the narrator talking about the Siamese cat named Ty (it could also be spelled Thai), saying he is a “very superior cat. In the first place, he’s Siamese. And in the second, […]
Mixed Babies (1931)
British Pathé Synopsis: Silent newsreel footage shows various baby animals interacting and just being cute. Reality Cats: There is no rhyme or reason to this clips in this collection, it’s just random shots of cute baby animals. First up is a mama cat with her kittens. The kittens are then seen lapping some milk from […]
Annual Cat Show in Amsterdam (1965)
British Pathé Synopsis: Newsreel footage with Dutch narration shows various cats competing at a cat show held by Felikat in Amsterdam’s stock exchange building. Reality Cat: A wide variety of cats are shown in cages. The winners were a Persian Chinchilla and a Dutch Siamese cat. Final Mewsings: Amsterdam does cats right! Relevant Links: To […]
Miniature Dachshund Pups (1957)
British Pathé Synopsis: Newsreel footage shows miniature dachshund pups being groomed and fed in a country inn. Reality Cats: This footage was taken at a country inn in Dunsmore, Buckinghamshire, England where the proprietors, Ted and Georgina Fox, are walking their dachshunds. As they approach the front door of the inn, a tuxedo cat can be seen […]
Hoppity Hare (1964)
British Pathé Synopsis: Newsreel footage shows a domesticated hare named Hoppity living in a residence in West Mersea, Essex. Reality Cat: The hare lives with Mrs. Joan Bullin and her tabby cat Bustamante (at least we think that’s what they’re saying) Bullin (or Buster for short). Buster seems to be taking the whole thing in stride, even […]
Cat Show (1948)
British Pathé Synopsis: Unused and unissued newsreel footage of a cat show at Shepherd’s Bush, London. Reality Cats: The newsreel begins with a couple of takes of two women, Irene Ashton and Diana Morrison, looking into a basket to find some Siamese kittens. Several shots of the show cats are then seen. What’s interesting about this footage […]
Turkish Van Cats Learn to Swim (1960)
British Pathé Synopsis: Silent newsreel footage shows three Turkish Van cats eating and being forced to swim in tubs. Reality Cats: The unused and unissued footage shows the cats with a couple of women who seem to be demonstrating how they are “teaching” the cats to swim. While Turkish Vans are naturally good swimmers, these poor cats […]