The Pets Perform! (1938)

British Pathé

Synopsis: Newsreel footage shows animals performing tricks at a zoo in Prague.

Reality Cat: The animal tricks are part of a circus show put on at the Prague Zoo for the amusement of its young patrons and the zoo animals as well. Among other animals, a tabby and white cat is shown jumping over a hurdle.

The Pets Perform - orange and white cat getting ready to jump hurdle
The Pets Perform - orange and white cat jumping hurdle
The Pets Perform - orange and white cat getting after jumping hurdle

The same cat then jumps through a ring.

The Pets Perform - orange and white cat getting ready to jump through ring

Finally the cat jumps over a stick held by a dog. The cat is rewarded with a pet after each jump.

The Pets Perform - orange and white cat getting ready to jump over stick held by dog
The Pets Perform - orange and white cat after jumping over stick held by dog

Final Mewsings: Cats are natural performers on their own terms.

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