A tabby and white cat hears a burglar and immediately sees a chance to get some food in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.
Hunted (1952)

A tabby and white cat hears a burglar and immediately sees a chance to get some food in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A ginger and white tabby cat tries to break into Bob Hope’s act in this comedy reviewed by Ted Davis.
Purr Blur! A tabby cat ducks for cover in this action sequel reviewed by Linda Kay.
A tabby cat beats a hasty retreat at the approach of a crazed killer in an opening scene of this film reviewed by Ted Davis.
Sil-L the cat decides he wants to be included in the series adventures and shows up in this episode after being left behind in the last. Reviewed by Mark Murton.
The fan-supported pilot episode follows the cat characters from the popular web comic in their first animated adventure. Reviewed by Linda Kay.
Several cats give ambiance to this made-for-TV movie, including the cat which accidentally starts the ball rolling! Reviewed by Mark Murton.
A tabby and white street cat is a nearby witness as a sniper stashes his weapon in this thriller reviewed by Ted Davis.
A silver Persian cat named Loretta has an interesting story arc in this film adaptation of the popular children’s books. Reviewed by Linda Kay.
Purr Blur! A family lets in a gray cat then runs out of the house leaving the cat behind in this film reviewed by Ted Davis.