English Title: The Smiling Madame Beudet Directed by: Germaine Dulac Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Madame Beudet (Germaine Dermoz) is an unhappily married woman who is driven to thoughts of murder by her insensitive husband (Alexandre Arquillière). Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): Monsieur Beudet owns a […]
Category Archives: Recent
The Keeper (2004)
Directed by: Paul Lynch Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Police Lieutenant Krebs (Dennis Hopper) is a respected officer who secretly kidnaps a erotic dancer named Gina (Asia Argento) and holds her in his basement to “save” her. Kitty Cameo: After Gina has been imprisoned for […]
Atoll K (1950)
Also Known As: Utopia Directed by: Léo Joannon Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: When Stan (Laurel) inherits a yacht and an island he and Oliver (Hardy) set sail only to find themselves stranded on an atoll where they eventually become an international concern. Cat Cattle […]
Frances (1982)
Directed by: Graeme Clifford Synopsis: This biopic of actress Frances Farmer (Jessica Lange) delves into her battles with the Hollywood system and her mother, as well as her nightmarish experiences in a mental institution. Purr Blur: As Frances is arguing with her mother and storming out of the house, a ginger tabby cat can be […]
Mexican Spitfire’s Blessed Event (1943)
Directed by: Leslie Goodwins Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Things gets confused when Carmelita Lindsay (Lupe Velez) sends a telegram about her ocelot having a kitten leads Dennis (Walter Reed) to believe she is the one having the baby. Kitty Cameo: Early in the film […]
Doctor Who – “The Daemons: Episode One”
Original Air Date: May 22, 1971 Starring: Noakes Directed by: Christopher Barry Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode! Synopsis: An archeological dig in a village called Devil’s End leads to the Doctor (Jon Pertwee) facing evil incarnate. Kitty Cameo: A beautiful tortoiseshell cat is seen briefly at the […]
When Winter Comes (2020)
Music Artist: Paul McCartney Directed by: Geoff Dunbar Synopsis: Paul and his family are tending to their farm in this animated music video. Cartoon Cat: At the beginning of the video, a black cat is jumping after some butterflies behind Paul. The cat does not appear again until the end credits when a more detailed […]
Call Me Kat Helping Rescue Kitties
Cat lovers will be excited to hear about the new television series debuting on Fox tonight, January 3rd, at 8:00 p.m. Call Me Kat stars Mayim Bialik as a 39 year old woman who leaves her job to open a cat café. It is based on a British sitcom called Miranda, although in that version […]
Modern Mexico City (1942)
Synopsis: One of the Traveltalk series of travelogues, this one showing the splendor of Mexico City. Kitty Cameo: The narrator explains they are diverting from the history of the city to an amusing sideshow “staged by an odd trio of friendly enemies.” It is, in fact, a dog who carries a white cat and a […]
Apt Pupil (1998)
Directed by: Bryan Singer This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Teenager Todd Bowden (Brad Renfro) suspects that a distant neighbor named Kurt Dussander (Ian McKellen) is a Nazi war criminal and blackmails the man into sharing stories of his […]