A ginger tabby cat named Clemence makes a couple of very brief Kitty Cameos in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
Tara Road (2005)

A ginger tabby cat named Clemence makes a couple of very brief Kitty Cameos in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
A tabby cat named Pancho listens in to a conversation between Cesar Romero and . . . Cesar Romero! . . . in this film reviewed by Ted Davis.
Purr Blur! A black cat darts across a road in this crime thriller reviewed by Linda Kay.
A white cat makes a very brief appearance in this sci-fi horror film reviewed by Mark Murton.
A stray kitten found by Big Bird and Gina brings Maria and Luis closer together in this adorable episode reviewed by Linda Kay.
A mouse making advances to a cat is part of the stream of consciousness in this Yugoslavian short animated film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A longhair tuxedo cat reacts to a window cleaner in the opening credits of this drama reviewed by Mark Murton.
A woman leaves her job, home and cat to find peace in a convent in this made-for-TV drama reviewed by Ted Davis.
A black cat surveys a scene of utter devastation in a church after a brutal attack in this epic film reviewed by Linda Kay.
Purr Blur! A tabby and white lap cat makes a brief appearance in this drama reviewed by Ted Davis.