by Ted Davis
English Title: Cecile is dead!
Directed by: Maurice Tourneur
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: When pathetic Cecile Pardon (Santa Relli) is murdered in the police station, Commissioner Maigret (Albert Prejean) is shamed that he ignored her pleas for help and takes a personal interest in finding the killer, who is also guilty of another homicide, wherein the head was removed from the victim with the obvious intent of obscuring the victim’s identity.
Kitty Cameo: Gossipy concierge Madame Petitot (Luce Fabriole) is engaged in the pleasant task of petting and humming to her bicolor tabby cat Medor when Maigret enters the flat to begin a mild interrogation. Maigret remarks, “Oh, look at the pretty kitty,” as the concierge sets the cat aside so she can concentrate on the commissioner’s questions.

Later in the film, Madame Petitot and her two cronies arrive at her flat after attending a funeral, and the concierge’s first order of business is to greet and pet Medor, before divvying out the brandy.

Final Mewsings: At least Maigret was detective enough to recognize the kitty’s good looks.
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