by Mark Murton
Original Air Date: February 12, 2013
Directed by: Alrick Riley
This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning!
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode!
Synopsis: When an English tourist, June Anderson (Kim Thomson), is found dead in a rented luxury villa strangled by her own scarf, it seems to be a robbery gone wrong. Detective Inspector Richard Poole (Ben Miller) suspects her husband, Doug (Neil Pearson), a corrupt former colleague of his, despite Anderson’s seemingly watertight alibi.
Kitty Cameo: Local cleaner Estelle (Michele Austin), is seen in her home with her cat, Opal, telling him she feels their luck is about to change.

Kitty Carnage Warning! This seems to be confirmed when she finds the jewels from the robbery. Returning home, she calls out to Opal that she’s going to buy him the biggest fish she can find, but her celebrations are cut short by the discovery of Opal’s dead body.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): The circumstances of Opal’s death prove to be the key to cracking the case, which is no consolation to Estelle, but at the end of the episode Poole’s colleague Dwayne (Danny John-Jules) gets a kitten for Estelle, hoping it will cheer her up.

Dwayne moves the kitten closer to Poole, who indicates quite clearly that he doesn’t want the cat anywhere near him.

Final Mewsings: It wouldn’t be paradise without cats.
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