Fix Loose Carpets (circa 1970s)

Synopsis: A British Public Information Film which alerts people to check for loose carpeting in the home of their elderly family and friends.

Kitty Cameo: The PIF begins with an elderly woman lying on the floor in the entry hallway of her home. A gray cat is sitting beside her.

Fix Loose Carpets PIF - gray cat sitting in front hallway
Fix Loose Carpets PIF - gray cat sitting next to fallen elderly woman in front hallway

The film then flashes back to show how the woman slipped on a piece of loose carpeting and fell down the stairs. At the end of the film the woman’s daughter comes in and finds her mother. The cat is still sitting there.

Fix Loose Carpets PIF - gray cat sitting next to fallen elderly woman in front hallway as daughter enters
Fix Loose Carpets PIF - gray cat sitting next to fallen elderly woman in front hallway as daughter enters

Final Mewsings: Cats won’t dial 999.

Many thanks to Mark Murton for letting us know about the cat in this PIF!

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