Foolish Wives (1922)

Directed by: Erich von Stroheim

Synopsis: Count Sergius Karamzin (Erich von Stroheim), a con artist and womanizer, sets his sights on the wife of an American diplomat.

Kitty Cameo: A tabby cat is present in the apartment of Cesare Gravina (Ventucci) when Karamzin pays a visit.

Foolish Wives - tabby cat crossing floor with Count Sergius Karamzin Erich von Stroheim
Foolish Wives - tabby cat on floor near dish
Foolish Wives - tabby cat crossing floor with Count Sergius Karamzin Erich von Stroheim animated gif

Near the end of the film the same cat scampers quickly across the floor as Cesare takes care of some unpleasant business.

Foolish Wives - tabby cat running across floor
Foolish Wives - tabby cat running across floor behingf Cesare animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats would prefer not to bear witness to criminal acts.

Many thanks to Ted Davis for letting us know about the cat in this film.

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