Franz Schmidt with Strange Pets (1947)

British Pathé

Synopsis: Newsreel footage of German zoology student Franz Schmidt showing off his pet tabby cat, mouse and snakes.

Reality Cat: The young man from Munich sits with his tabby cat Felix, his pet mouse and his snake Roper (although he actually has numerous snakes which he pulls out of nearly every conceivable place on his person).

Franz Schmidt with Strange Pets - young man with tabby cat Felix, mouse named Mickey and pet snakes Roper on his lap
Franz Schmidt with Strange Pets - young man with tabby cat Felix, mouse named Mickey and pet snakes Roper on his lap

The snake is seen slithering around the mouse as the narrator explains Schmidt’s main concern is food for his pets. The cat then joins them with one of the snakes draped around his neck and several more nearby.

Franz Schmidt with Strange Pets - tabby cat Felix with numerous snakes one around his neck and mouse named Mickey

“With Felix no mouser and Roper a vegetarian, Mickey’s position seems secure,” the narrator explains.

Franz Schmidt with Strange Pets - tabby cat Felix with numerous snakes one around his neck and mouse named Mickey

“But there’s no knowing when someone may get ideas,” the narrator adds as Felix sits looking at the camera with the snake still around his neck.

Franz Schmidt with Strange Pets - tabby cat Felix with snake around his neck

Final Mewsings: Some people really shouldn’t be allowed to own pets.

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