Heart (1999)

Directed by: Charles McDougall

This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning!

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Gary (Christopher Eccleston) and his wife Tess (Kate Hardie) are fighting about her infidelity when he suffers a heart attack. One heart transplant later, things get very complicated.

Kitty Cameo: The couple own a black cat who is not named. It is actually Gary’s cat, as he is seen holding it on his lap when he is home in his wheelchair.

Heart - Gary Christopher Eccleston in wheelchair with black cat on lap
Heart - Gary Christopher Eccleston in wheelchair with black cat on lap
Heart - Gary Christopher Eccleston in wheelchair with black cat on lap

The cat also rides up the mechanical stair chair with him.

Heart - Gary Christopher Eccleston on mechanical stairway chair with black cat on lap

The cat is really not seen again until Tess gets out a bucket of water.

Heart - black cat near bucket of water
Heart - black cat near bucket of water

Kitty Carnage Warning! The purpose of the bucket is soon made clear as she carries it to the garden. It is covered tightly. She undoes it and dumps out the water into a hole, along with the drowned cat! Apparently she killed the cat to get back at her husband. If this isn’t bad enough, Tess is later driving on a freeway when flies start filling her car. They are coming from the exhaust vents. Narrowly avoiding an accident, she stops on the road and opens the hood of her car where she finds the dead and decomposing cat, which her husband apparently dug up and put there. She is next seen throwing a bag over a bridge, presumably holding the cat. The dead cat prop used is actually pretty unrealistic when the picture is paused.

Heart - dead and decompossing black cat under hood of car

Final Mewsings: Keep cats out of your marital arguments!

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