How I Live Now (2013)

Directed by: Kevin Macdonald

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Daisy (Saoirse Ronan) is a troubled American girl who comes to stay with her British cousins on their farm when a massive war breaks out.

Kitty Cameos: The farmhouse includes several cats seen in the first part of the movie.

How I Live Now - longhair tuxedo cat on farm house table
How I Live Now - Piper Harley Bird and Daisy Saoirse Ronan entering room with orange and white cat on bed
How I Live Now - Daisy Saoirse Ronan walking toward cat on stairs

The youngest girl, Piper (Harley Bird) is the only one who interacts with the cats, petting them when she can.

How I Live Now - Piper Harley Bird petting longhair tuxedo cat on farm house table
How I Live Now - Piper Harley Bird and Daisy Saoirse Ronan entering room with orange and white cat on bed
How I Live Now - Piper Harley Bird petting orange and white cat on bed

Strangely enough after the war begins and the family moves to the barn they do not seem to bring the cats with them.

How I Live Now - gray cat on back of chair

In one scene Daisy is wearing a shirt with cartoons cats that reads, “My lazer kittens will kill you.”

How I Live Now - Daisy Saoirse Ronan wearing My Lazer Kittens Will Kill You tshirt

Final Mewsings: In case of nuclear war, don’t forget your cats!

Many thanks to Mark Murton for letting us know about the cats in this film.

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