Leap Year (2010)

Directed by: Anand Tucker

Synopsis: A woman named Anna (Amy Adams) travels to Ireland with the idea of proposing to her boyfriend on Leap Day but her journey doesn’t go exactly as planned.

Kitty Cameo: Due to a disrupted flight, Anna finds herself in Wales. An innkeeper (Matthew Goode) ends up agreeing to drive her to Ireland. As they are leaving the inn, a black cat runs in front of them.

Leap Year - black cat passing by wall
Leap Year - black cat passing by wall
Leap Year - black cat passing by wall

The locals waste no time in trying to disuade Anna from going, citing that black cats are bad luck, although the elderly gentlemen can’t seem to agree on how many years bad luck they bring or if it is even a cat in the saying at all.

Leap Year - black cat passing by Anna Amy Adams

Final Mewsings: While the number of years may be debatable, we all know black cats bring good luck!

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