Little Bird (1999)

Music Artist: Sherrié Austin

Directed by: Morgan Lawley

Synopsis: The music video for this song features Sherrié Austin as a bird in a cage stalked by a hungry black cat.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): The black cat is sitting in the window of a house as the clip begins.

Little Bird - Sherrié Austin - black cat sitting on windowsill with birdcage inside house

A birdcage is inside the house. Inside Sherrié Austin is singing the song.

Little Bird - Sherrié Austin - black cat sitting on windowsill
Little Bird - Sherrié Austin - black cat sitting on windowsill

The cat moves closer to the cage as the song progresses.

Little Bird - Sherrié Austin - black cat moving across room to bird cage
Little Bird - Sherrié Austin - black cat looking up at bird cage
Little Bird - Sherrié Austin - black cat on couch near birdcage

Eventually the cat is looking into the cage at Sherrié.

Little Bird - Sherrié Austin - black cat looking into cage
Little Bird - Sherrié Austin - black cat looking through bars
Little Bird - Sherrié Austin - black cat looking into bird cage at singer

In the end, Sherrié flies free and the cat watches her as she soars away.

Little Bird - Sherrié Austin - black cat yowling behind bars
Little Bird - Sherrié Austin - black cat on windowsill watching singer fly away

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t really want to eat country singers.

Relevant Links:

Amazon logo
Official Website Link

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