Natural Thing (2012)

Music Artist: Nobody Beats the Drum
Directed by: Johan Rijpma

Synopsis: A group of cats, dogs and a ferret find themselves in a box with a red dot.

Featured Felines: The setting for this music video couldn’t be more simple; a big white box. Inside a number of cats, a couple of dogs and a ferret find themselves chasing after a red dot.

Natural Thing - Nobody Beats the Drum - close up of orange and white tabby cat
Natural Thing - Nobody Beats the Drum - orange and white tabby cat looking up
Natural Thing - Nobody Beats the Drum - tabby kitten looking up
Natural Thing - Nobody Beats the Drum - tabby kitten chasing red dot

The editing is superb and some interesting layovers make the whole group of animals chase multiple red dots at once.

Natural Thing - Nobody Beats the Drum - tuxedo cat looking up
Natural Thing - Nobody Beats the Drum - close up of black cat looking up
Natural Thing - Nobody Beats the Drum - multiple cats in circle looking at red dot in center
Natural Thing - Nobody Beats the Drum - multiple cats chasing red dot

Final Mewsings: The red dot rules us all!

Relevant Links:

Amazon logo
Official Website Link

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