New Girl – “The Captain”

New Girl Season 3 DVD

Original Air Date: October 8, 2013
Starring: Lamorne Morris, Riki Lindhome
Directed by: Fred Goss

Cat Out of the Bag Alert!   This review contains some spoilers for this episode.

Synopsis: Schmidt (Max Greenfield) is frustrated after being dumped by two women and tries to sabotage Jess (Zooey Deschanel) and Nick (Jake Johnson).  In the meantime, Winston (Lamorne Morris) finds out that his cat needs to be neutered and tries to get him some action before the operation.

Featured Feline: Ferguson the cat returns in this episode, first showing up when Schmidt and Winston are in the living room overhearing Jess and Nick’s lovemaking.

New Girl - The Captain - Ferguson Scottish fold cat with Winston Lamorne Morris on couch

The cat actor playing Ferguson seems restless during this scene.

New Girl - The Captain - Ferguson Scottish fold cat sitting up with Winston Lamorne Morris on couch

Kitty Cameos: When Winston learns from the vet that Ferguson will need to be neutered, he comments to Jess and Nick how the poor cat will never know lovemaking.  Jess and Nick jokingly suggest hooking Ferguson up but Winston takes it seriously.  Winston takes Ferguson to a pet store and is looking at a long-haired white cat.

New Girl - The Captain - Ferguson Scottish fold cat looking at cat in cage

A woman named Kylie (Riki Lindhome) comes in to pick up her Himalayan cat Fatty.  Winston approaches her about getting the cats together but she thinks he is making a date with her.

New Girl - The Captain - Kylie Riki Lindhome holding Himalayan cat Fatty

Kylie shows up at the apartment with Fatty and Winston asks her in.

New Girl - The Captain - Ferguson Scottish fold cat with Winston Lamorne Morris and Kylie Riki Lindhome with Himalayan cat Fatty

Kylie still thinks Winston wants to hook up with her and doesn’t realize he is serious about getting the cats together.  At the end of the episode Winston realizes the opportunity he has missed.  But he’s not alone; Ferguson and Fatty don’t hook up, either.

New Girl - The Captain - Ferguson Scottish fold cat in leopard print cat bed with Himalayan cat Fatty

Final Mewsings: Can a dating service for cats be too far off?

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