Peer Gynt (1941)

Directed by: David Bradley

Synopsis: A 16mm silent production of the Ibsen play about the ne’re-do-well anti-hero.

Kitty Cameo: Peer Gynt (Charlton Heston in his film debut) visits his ailing mother (Betty Hanisee). She tells him she is dying but he doesn’t want to face reality. He tries to take her mind off dark things by drawing her attention to the cat he calls “Old Pussy.” He sets the long-haired tabby cat on her bed.

Peer Gynt - Charlton Heston with longhair tabby cat on bed
Peer Gynt - Charlton Heston and Betty Hanisee with longhair tabby cat on bed
Peer Gynt - Charlton Heston and Betty Hanisee with longhair tabby cat on bed
Peer Gynt - Charlton Heston and Betty Hanisee with longhair tabby cat on bed

Pussy, however, doesn’t seem to want to stick around and jumps back down almost immediately.

Peer Gynt - Charlton Heston and Betty Hanisee with longhair tabby cat on bed
Peer Gynt - Charlton Heston with longhair tabby cat on bed
Peer Gynt - Charlton Heston and Betty Hanisee with longhair tabby cat on bed animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats aren’t interested in taking our minds off dying.

Many thanks to Ted Davis for letting us know about the cat in this film!

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