Raggedy Man (1981)

by Ted Davis

Directed by: Jack Fisk

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: During the waning days of WWII, young divorcee Nita Longley (Sissy Spacek) yearns for a better life for her growing children Harry (Henry Thomas) and William Henry (Carey Hollis Jr.), but is trapped in a dead end job as a 24-hour-a-day switchboard operator in the small Texas town of Gregory. Teddy Roebuck (Eric Roberts), a fresh-faced sailor passing through town, quickly forms a close affectionate bond with Nita and her kids, but the movie’s last act collapses into bad horror show territory courtesy of the degenerate and itchy Triplett brothers, Calvin (William Sanderson) and Arnold (Tracey Walter), and the shadowy Raggedy Man, who is a disturbing presence in the close rural community.

Purr Blur: As Teddy says goodbye to the kids and marches down the street off to the war (and out of the picture), a light colored cat can be seen in a neighbor’s yard enjoying himself and rolling around, luxuriating on the turf.

Raggedy Man - Harry Henry Thomas and William Carey Hollis Jr. seeing off Teddy Eric Roberts with cat in background
Raggedy Man - Harry Henry Thomas and William Carey Hollis Jr. seeing off Teddy Eric Roberts with cat in background
Raggedy Man - Harry Henry Thomas and William Carey Hollis Jr. seeing off Teddy Eric Roberts with cat in background
Raggedy Man - Harry Henry Thomas and William Carey Hollis Jr. seeing off Teddy Eric Roberts with cat rolling on ground animated gif

Final Mewsings: Maybe the cat was on leave from service on a battleship and making the most of his time-off.

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