Reason and Emotion (1943)

by Linda Kay

Directed by: Bill Roberts

This review contains a Cartoonish Kitty Carnage Warning!

Synopsis: This Disney short animated film was created as a means to teach the importance of using reason over emotions in relation to World War II propaganda.

Cartoon Cat: At the beginning of the film we are introduced to a toddler named Junior and the infant caveman which represents emotion in his brain. The caveman spots a black and white cat sleeping peacefully in a chair.

Reason and Emotion - cartoon black and white tuxedo cat sleeping in chair

Emotion encourages Junior to pull the cat’s tail and the infant complies. The poor cat flies up from the seat with a yowl before running out of the room and tumbling down some stairs.

Reason and Emotion - cartoon black and white tuxedo cat yowling while having tail pulled
Reason and Emotion - cartoon black and white tuxedo cat tumbling down stairs
Reason and Emotion - cartoon black and white tuxedo cat sleeping in chair having tail pulled, yowling and tumbling down stairs animated gif

Final Mewsings: Both emotion and reason should never want to hurt cats!

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