Directed by: Peter Segal
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Maya (Jennifer Lopez) is passed over for a promotion at the chain store where she works so she grabs an opportunity to move up in the world even when it means riding on the merits of a doctored resumé.
Kitty Cameos: After landing a job at a major corporation, Maya is tasked with creating a new organic line of body creams. Her team tries to get the best research scientists in the firm to help but they are grabbed up by her competitor. Assistant Ariana (Charlyne Yi) takes Maya to a remote area where a calico cat is running loose in the hallway.

Scientist Ron (Freddie Stroma) is in a room with numerous cats. As it turns out he had been demoted to cat food research by Maya’s rival.

The hairless cats on the table run away when Ron tries to feed them.

Later when the team is working on the new formula they have to smell various brown lumpy extracts. Ron finds such a lump on his desk but soon realizes what it is when the camera pans over to show a tan and white tabby cat standing nearby.

Ariana is also seen wearing a baby animal shirt, including kittens.

And finally there is a poster of a kitten on the wall of a bedroom as corporate head Anderson Clarke (Treat Williams) carries a box of items from his daughter’s former bedroom.

The cat actors were provided by All Star Animals.

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t mind research as long as it is not done on them!
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