She-Wolf of London – “She-Wolf of London”

by Mark Murton

Original Air Date: October 9, 1990

Directed by: Denis Abey

Synopsis: American graduate student Randi Wallace (Kate Hodge) travels to England to study under Dr. Ian Matheson (Neil Dickson), a noted British professor specializing in mythology. With Matheson’s encouragement, Randi heads for the moors for some field research where, under a full moon, she is brutally attacked by a large wolf-like animal. Randi recovers from her wounds, but during the next full moon she turns into a she-wolf.

Purr Blur: As Kate starts her first transformation, elsewhere in the building Dr. Matheson hears the commotion and goes to investigate. As he moves cautiously down a corridor towards the noise, a tuxedo cat, complete with Poor Cat Screech, suddenly impedes his path, causing him to jump.

She-Wolf of London - tuxedo cat sliding out in front of Ian Neil Dickson

This intended cat jump scare is rendered particularly hilarious due to the cat clearly being launched by hand into the path of the actor, entering the fame backwards and sliding on the slippery floor until coming to an unceremonious halt at the actor’s feet. After a brief moment to find its feet (all it needed was a classic cartoon “bongo run” sound effect) the cat shoots off back in the direction it came. Because the show was not above poking fun at horror tropes, this bit of silliness made the final cut.

She-Wolf of London - tuxedo cat sliding out in front of Ian Neil Dickson in spring loaded cat fashion animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats have no problem with making fun of their own tropes.

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