Splinters (1943)

by Linda Kay

Synopsis: British wartime short asks citizens via rhyme to mind their milk bottles.

Purr Blur: Watch closely at the beginning of this short! Between the “Government Official” placard and the titles a tabby cat can barely be seen running across the screen followed by shards of glass from a bottle he either knocked over or had thrown at him.

Splinters - tabby cat running on street

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): A milk bottle is sitting on a wall with a short haired tuxedo cat approaching. The camera moves to the street where the bottle hits the ground and shatters (note the cat is not shown actually breaking the bottle!)

Splinters - tuxedo cat on wall approaching empty milk bottle

Later a woman is setting her milk bottle outside the door properly, putting out the tuxedo cat as well.

Splinters - woman putting out tuxedo cat with empty milk bottle
Splinters - woman putting out tuxedo cat with empty milk bottle

Final Mewsings: Who knew cats were trying to sabotage war efforts?

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