Staring at the Embers (1983)

Music Artist: Tim Finn

Synopsis: A music video for the solo Tim Finn song features ballet dancers.

Purr Blur: In the middle of the video a grey cat is shown falling, flipping over in midair to right itself.

Staring at the Embers - Tim Finn - gray cat falling

This is interposed with the ballet dancers, apparently to show the cat’s similar grace. After landing on a stony street the shot changes to rushing water and back to the dancers. The cat does not show up again.

Staring at the Embers - Tim Finn - gray cat on stony street
Staring at the Embers - Tim Finn - gray cat falling with ballet dancers and landing on stony street animated gif

Final Mewsings: Guess the cat just decided to drop in for a second!

Many thanks to Ben Saddington for letting us know about the cats in this video.

Relevant Links:

Amazon logo
Official Website Link

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