The Child (1977)

Directed by: Robert Voskanian

This review contains an Implied Kitty Carnage Warning!

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: A young woman named Alicianne (Laurel Barnett) takes a job as a nanny to a motherless little girl named Rosalie (Rosalie Cole) who has some very unusual friends from the nearby cemetery.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): At the beginning of the film, Rosalie carries a basket into the cemetery. Inside is an adorable tuxedo kitten.

The Child - Rosalie Cole holding tuxedo kitten in fog
The Child - Rosalie Cole holding tuxedo kitten in fog

Implied Kitty Carnage Warning! A decrepit hand reaches from behind a tombstone and Rosalie hands the kitten to it. We are left to imagine what happens to the poor kitty (although a shot of a mutilated bobcat later in the movie gives us a clue).

The Child - Rosalie Cole handing tuxedo kitten to creepy hand behind tombstone
The Child - Rosalie Cole handing tuxedo kitten to creepy hand behind tombstone
The Child - Rosalie Cole handing tuxedo kitten to creepy hand behind tombstone animated gif
The Child - tuxedo kitten taken by creepy hand behind tombstone

Alicianne also finds a drawing by Rosalie which shows her handing out kittens to her zombie friends.

The Child - drawing of little girl handing kittens out to two zombies

Final Mewsings: Anything that eats kittens is NOT your friend!

Many thanks to Wahrhaftig for letting us know about the kitten in this film.

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