The Most Important Person – “I’m Lonely” (1972)

Synopsis: This episode of the children’s education series focuses on a little boy who is feeling lonely.

Cartoon Cat: After trying to get the attention of his father, mother and brothers, a song plays about the boy’s loneliness. Eventually he settles down to draw a picture in the hallway. A tabby cat approaches and meows, rubbing up against the child.

The Most Important Person - I'm Lonely - cartoon tabby cat
The Most Important Person - I'm Lonely - cartoon tabby cat meowing
The Most Important Person - I'm Lonely - cartoon tabby cat rubbing up against little boy

Shockingly the boy tells the cat he’s busy and not lonely any more, adding that sometimes a guy just wants to be alone. Never has an animated cat looked so completely crushed!

The Most Important Person - I'm Lonely - cartoon tabby cat looking sad

Final Mewsings: A better lesson would have been to offer kindness to a lonely kitty!

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