The Revealing Eye (1960)

Synopsis: A compilation of fascinating films showcasing slow motion, microscopic and telescopic photography, time-lapse and other methods used to expose what it normally impossible to see, brought to you by the Shell Oil Company!

Kitty Cameos: A couple of early experiments in capturing motion through a series of photographs using cats is showcased at the beginning of this educational short. First is Eadweard Muybridge’s series of photographs showing a tabby cat running and taken in 1887.

The Revealing Eye - photograph of tabby cat by Eadweard Muybridge
The Revealing Eye - photographs of tabby cat by Eadweard Muybridge

Next a series of photographs taken in 1894 by French physiologist and photographer Étienne-Jules Marey are featured.

The Revealing Eye - falling cat series of photographs by Étienne-Jules Marey
The Revealing Eye - falling cat series of photographs by Étienne-Jules Marey
The Revealing Eye - falling cat series of photographs by Étienne-Jules Marey

Final Mewsings: Cats are scientific marvels!

Many thanks to A/V Geeks for making this film available to view.

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