Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Snap the Gingerbread Man meets up with a witch and her black cat.
Cartoon Cat: The black cat appears from a hole inside the witch’s tree and spies Snap standing outside.

The cat loves gingerbread and bites Snap’s leg.

Snap doesn’t take kindly to this and grab’s the cat’s tail. Eventually Snap pulls the tail out of the cat.

When the witch finds out she restores her cat from the tail. But in anger she turns Snap back into raw dough.

Snap runs for his life with the cat chasing him.

They arrive at the Nutty Oven Bakery where Snap hits the cat over the head with a log.

The cat chases Snap up to the chimney of the oven. Snap slides down and gets rebaked but the cat gets stuck.

Final Mewsings: Cats shouldn’t eat gingerbread, especially when it fights back.
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