All Cheerleaders Die (2013)

Starring: Dallas

Directed by: Lucky McKee and Chris Sivertson

This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning!

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: The death of a cheerleader leads to even more deaths and supernatural happenings.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): Mäddy (Caitlin Stasey) was documenting the cheerleader at the time of her death and feels her friends betrayed her, so she sets out to join the squad and take them down. She is leaving her house when Leena (Sianoa Smit-McPhee), a goth girl from school, appears outside the door holding a young tuxedo cat.

All Cheerleaders Die - Leena Sianoa Smit-McPhee holding tuxedo cat Mädeleine outside door

Mäddy is in a hurry and tries to dismiss Leena (who has a crush on her). Leena tries desperately to explain that she needs to talk to Mäddy about something important, having to do with her kitten Mädeleine. “Oh hell no, you didn’t name your kitten after me?” Mäddy asks in exasperation.

All Cheerleaders Die - Leena Sianoa Smit-McPhee holding tuxedo cat Mädeleine chasing after Mäddy Caitlin Stasey
All Cheerleaders Die - Leena Sianoa Smit-McPhee holding tuxedo cat Mädeleine with Mäddy Caitlin Stasey

As Mäddy tries to hurry away, Leena continues to plead with her, explaining that after she named the kitten after Mäddy the kitty became very sick. She finally admits the cat died, but Mäddy has had enough.

All Cheerleaders Die - Leena Sianoa Smit-McPhee holding tuxedo cat Mädeleine with Mäddy Caitlin Stasey

Leena is actually a witch and later in the film she has revived the cheerleaders after a terrible car crash. They are sleeping in Leena’s room and Mädeleine is snuggling next to Tracy (Brooke Butler).

All Cheerleaders Die - tuxedo cat Mädeleine next to sleeping Tracy Brooke Butler

Kitty Carnage Warning! Tracy awakens with a start and grabs Mädeleine, hurling her across the room to slam into a bookcase and fall dead to the ground. It is clear a stuffed cat was used during this action.

All Cheerleaders Die - Tracy Brooke Butler about to throw stuffed tuxedo cat Mädeleine across room

Moments later, Mäddy watches with amazement as Leena performs some kind of act over the limp kitten then reveals Mädeleine come back to life.

All Cheerleaders Die - Leena Sianoa Smit-McPhee holding tuxedo cat Mädeleine in blanket
All Cheerleaders Die - Leena Sianoa Smit-McPhee reviving tuxedo cat Mädeleine in blanket as Mäddy Caitlin Stasey watches animated gif

Mädeleine was played by cat actor Dallas working under cat handler George Ishii.

All Cheerleaders Die - Leena Sianoa Smit-McPhee holding tuxedo cat Mädeleine with Mäddy Caitlin Stasey

Final Mewsings: Cats have nine lives but cheerleaders should really only have one.

Many thanks to Mark Murton for letting us know about the cat in this film.

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