Directed by: Sidney Lumet Synopsis: Ex-con Duke Anderson (Sean Connery) plans an ambitious heist with an entire apartment building as the target. Purr Blur: During the robbing of an apartment with elderly residents, a ginger tabby cat is standing on a cupboard to one side. Final Mewsings: Cats don’t associate with cat burglars. Many thanks […]
Category Archives: Crime
Tunnel Vision (1995)
Directed by: Clive Fleury Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Police officers Kelly Wheatstone (Patsy Kensit) and Frank Yanovitch (Robert Reynolds) are on the trail of a killer who paints portraits of his victims. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): The killer owns a Bengal tabby cat with […]
The Sopranos – “Watching Too Much Television”
Original Air Date: October 27, 2002 Directed by: John Patterson Synopsis: A scheme is hatched which takes advantage of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Purr Blur: Assemblyman Zellman (Peter Riegert) visits one of the homes in the lower rent district. As he leaves with his assistant, a calico cat walks up the wooden […]
Veronica Mars (2014)
Directed by: Rob Thomas Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Film based on the popular TV series. Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell) is finishing law school but finds herself drawn back to Neptune, California, when her friend is accused of murder. Kitty Cameo: Veronica suspects the killer […]
Savannah Smiles (1982)
Directed by: Pierre De Moro Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Savannah (Bridgette Andersen) is the neglected daughter of politicians who runs away and takes up company with a couple of bumbling crooks (Mark Miller and Donovan Scott) who are then suspected of kidnapping the girl. […]
11:55 (2016)
Directed by: Ari Issler, Ben Snyder Synopsis: An updated telling of High Noon finds U.S. Marine Nelson Sanchez (Victor Almanzar) facing a showdown with former associates at 11:55 p.m. Purr Blur: Near the end of the film several shots of the deserted morning streets are shown, including a memorial with a black cat walking behind […]
Angel Heart (1987)
Directed by: Alan Parker Synopsis: Gritty detective Harry Angel (Mickey Rourke) takes on an unusual missing persons case with unexpected twists and turns. Kitty Cameo: A tabby cat is on a snowy fire escape at the beginning of the film, looking down into a dark alley. A dog comes by and barks at the cat, […]
La mala ordina (1972)
English Titles: The Italian Connection; ManhuntDirected by: Fernando Di Leo This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: A Milan pimp named Luca Canali (Mario Adorf) is pursued by two American hit men (Henry Silva, Woody Strode) posing as mobsters. Cat […]
The Take (1974)
Directed by: Robert Hartford-Davis Synopsis: Police detective Terry Sneed (Billy Dee Williams) is recruited by a New Mexico law enforcement agency to rid the city of corruption. But who are really the corrupt ones? Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): Late in the film Sneed goes into a bar to carry out some business. The bartender is […]
Please Murder Me! (1956)
Directed by: Peter Godfrey Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Lawyer Craig Carlson (Raymond Burr) defends Myra Leeds (Angela Lansbury) when she is accused of murder, even though they have fallen in love with each other. Kitty Cameo: In the scene when Myra’s husband Joe (Dick […]