Directed by: Jonathan Lynn Synopsis: Brian (Eric Idle) and Charlie (Robbie Coltrane) are a couple of crooks who two-time their boss when they rob a triad and end up hiding out disguised as nuns. Kitty Cameo: When Brian is waiting for the triad to arrive, the gang’s car is coming up the street. A gray […]
Category Archives: Genre
The Rockford Files – “Chicken Little is a Little Chicken”
Original Air Date: November 14, 1975 Directed by: Lawrence Doheny Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode! Synopsis: Angel (Stuart Margolin) asks Jim Rockford (James Garner) for help without explaining the whole messy situation in which he is caught up. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): Jim’s lawyer, Beth (Gretchen Corbett) […]
Do the Raid (2015)
Music Artist: Quintron and Miss Pussycat Synopsis: Quintron teaches a classroom full of puppets as well as Miss Pussycat. Kitty Cameo: At the very beginning of the video Quintron is waking up in bed with a Siamese cat. It’s possible this is Miss Pussycat’s beloved Siamese Coco Puff. Final Mewsings: Cats are our security blankets. […]
Luxury Cats’ Home (1958)
British Pathé Synopsis: Newsreel footage of a cat hotel in Holyport, Berkshire, England. Reality Cats: Two little girls carry a large brown tabby cat to the hotel. The narrator explains the home, run by Mrs. Mollie Turney, is a place where people leave their pet cats when they go away for a short time, and […]
Do You Know This Voice? (1964)
Directed by: Frank Nesbitt This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: After a kidnapping goes awry, the kidnappers try to silence the only witness who might be able to identify them. Cat Burglars (Scene Stealers): The witness is an older […]
All About Nina (2018)
Directed by: Eva Vives Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains a MAJOR spoiler for this film! Synopsis: Nina Geld (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is a stand-up comedian who hides some deep rooted pain with raucous humor and deflection. Kitty Cameos: While opening up about her traumatic past onstage, Nina mentions that the first […]
City of Tiny Lights (2016)
Directed by: Pete Travis Synopsis: Detective Tommy Akhtar (Riz Ahmed) takes on a missing persons case which leads him into the dark underside of London. Purr Blur: In the opening scene, Tommy is walking to a bodega. A tuxedo cat crosses the doorway just before Tommy enters. Final Mewsings: Bodega cats make great Purr Blurs! […]
Rhythm Thief (1994)
Directed by: Matthew Harrison Synopsis: Simon (Jason Andrews) is a guy who sells bootleg music on the streets of New York which brings him in contact with a lot of odd characters. Kitty Cameo: Simon lives in a run-down apartment building with a black cat named Lou. When Simon comes home at night he opens […]
The End (1978)
Directed by: Burt Reynolds Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Sonny Lawson (Burt Reynolds) finds out he has a rare blood disease and is going to die, causing him to contemplate suicide. Cat Cattle Call: Sonny is married but is seeing a girl named Mary Ellen […]
Fiumana (2012)
Directed by: Julia Gromskaya Synopsis: A woman at a window watches the world pass as she waits for her love. Cartoon Cat: As in many of Julia Gromskaya’s animated films a cat is present. The wind knocks over a bucket of milk which the cat laps. Later the cat is sitting beneath a lemon tree. […]