Synopsis: From the Adolescent Development series of educational films, this short offer a look at the sexual development of a girl and a boy growing up in two different households. Cat Burglars (Scene Stealers): The boy is named Bob and his mother, a widow, is open and honest with Bob about the subject of sex, […]
Category Archives: Short Film
Film Star Animals (1963)
British Pathé Synopsis: Newsreel footage showcases performing animals at the Cats’ and Dogs’ Drama School (F.A.C.T.S.) in Benson, Oxfordshire, England. Reality Cats: Many different animals are seen being trained. A fox cub is eating from a dish of food with a long-haired white cat with tabby markings. A black cat is sitting next to a […]
Odor-able Kitty (1945)
Directed by: Charles M. Jones Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: A cat (voiced by Mel Blanc) disguises himself to avoid persecution and finds himself the focus of an amorous skunk. Cartoon Cat: The orange cat is first seen outside a butcher shop looking lovingly at […]
Derevo I Koshka (1983)
English Title: The Tree and the Cat Directed by: Evgeniy Sivokon Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: A solitary tree is happy with its life and offers to teach a cat how to be the same. Cartoon Cat: The cat is thrown out of a wagon […]
Koodu (2020)
Starring: Mitti Directed by: Vishnu R Menon This review contains a brief Kitty Carnage Warning! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: An abandoned kitten searches for food and love in a big scary world. Featured Feline (with brief Kitty Carnage Warning): This is a heartwarming film […]
Youth on the Keys (1946)
British Pathé Synopsis: A nine year old boy from Leicestershire performs on the piano. Reality Cat: The boy, Colin Sherratt, climbs in through the window and then sits at the piano where he performs a song. Moments later a white and orange tabby cat also comes in the window. Actually someone pushes the cat through […]
Partly Cloudy (2009)
Directed by: Peter Sohn Synopsis: A storm cloud which creates dangerous babies depends on the understandably stressed-out stork responsible for delivering them to their new parents. Cartoon Cats: In the beginning of the short we see storks delivering sweet little babies to their new homes, including a pair of ginger tabby kittens. We also see […]
Uncle Jim’s Dairy Farm (1963)
Synopsis: George and Betty visit their country cousins Andy and Jane on their uncle Jim’s dairy farm. Kitty Cameos: George and Betty learn all about the animals on the farm, including a tabby kitten who is drinking some milk. The girls play with two other tabby kittens. When they are called to dinner, the girls […]
Pets! A Canadian Cameo (1930)
British Pathé Synopsis: Silent newsreel footage highlights Pet Day in Toronto, Canada, with a parade of animals and their owners. Reality Cats: Dogs are the focus of much of the newsreel segment, but a tabby cat dressed in knitted baby clothes apparently won first prize in the Toronto Humane Society Pet Parade. There is a […]
Rats (1969)
Synopsis: The educational film finds some young boys learning about the dangers of rats which have infested their clubhouse. Kitty Cameo: As the boys discuss what rats look like we see an orange and white cat with a rat nearby. The boys comment that the rats are smaller than a dog or cat. Another shot […]