Directed by: John Huston Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Disguises abound as former intelligence officer Anthony Gethryn (George C. Scott) is embroiled in a complex who-done-it when asked by his friend Adrian Messenger to investigate a list of names, most of whom have been killed […]
Category Archives: Thriller
The Hypnotic Eye (1960)
Directed by: George Blair Synopsis: Detective Dave Kennedy (Joe Patridge) is baffled when numerous women disfigure themselves but can’t explain why. Eventually he suspects a hypnotist named Desmond (Jacques Bergerac) may have something to do with the self-mutilations. Kitty Cameos: When Detective Kennedy’s girlfriend Marcia (Marcia Henderson) is hypnotized on stage by Desmond he gives […]