Downhill (1927)

Downhill poster

Also Known As: When Boys Leave Home
Gainsborough Pictures
 Ivor Novello, Ben Webster
Directed by: Alfred Hitchcock

Cat Out of the Bag Alert!  This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Roddy Berwick (Ivor Novello) takes the blame for an indiscretion and is expelled from public school, shunned by his father and goes downhill from there.

Kitty Cameo: In one scene Roddy returns to his apartment. A black cat follows him up the dark stairs.

Downhill - Roddy Ivor Novello walking up stairs with black cat following

Downhill - black cat approaching top of stairs

Inside the apartment, Roddy opens a letter he has received. He looks down to see the black cat sleeping at his feet.

Downhill - black cat sleeping on floor

After reading some good news, Roddy takes off his hat and throws it to the ground, startling the cat who runs away.

Downhill - Roddy Ivor Novello throws down hat and startles black cat animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats prefer less dramatic reactions to good news.

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